my work examines the body as a non-fixed entity. it is fluid, porous, and always becoming. the body is site of tension, a vessel of contradictions, where we resist being flesh-bound and reshape perpetually. 

i am drawn to the space found between the gaps where meaning shifts and slips apart. it is in these spaces the body speaks in whispers, in shouting, in gestures... the truth of being is in these impermanent moments-- the truth found in queerness and the existence beyond binaries.

there is possibility found where movement becomes a dialogue between the self and other, between the visible and the hidden. letting the body lead in this flesh to move through the unknown. letting it speak in the multitude of ways only it knows.

this is not just dance; it is a becoming, a reimagining of what a body can be. it exists in multitudes as its essence—uncontained, always reaching beyond, always challenging, always questioning. it is a movement toward a future where bodies are free to be. 


October 2023

University of the Arts
Philadelphia, PA

BFA in Dance TMD Presentation

Choreography by Rece Komorn

Performed by Andrea Agostini, Jahnell Boozer, Sarah Malone, Aspen Nell, Aleesha Polite, Amanda “Dragon” Rattigan, and Ally Wilson
Vignettes of Solace is a choreographic work I created prospectively to my BFA thesis Two drops that Became the Flood. The piece was developed through an quick process where each section was choreographed within a two-hour time frame, immediately followed by site-specific filming of the performers. This method enabled the choreography to merge organically with the environment, capturing the transient nature of solace. I worked with the term "vignettes" to highlight the subtlety of small, intimate movements and moments, and “solace" representing a consolation during times of distress, greif, and confusion.